Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, I have to do my Chinese homework now.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another day

Here's a little bit about me right now:
I love curling.
Bingyu Wang's team is really good.
Pizza, Ice Cream, Sushi, and Burgers are nice.
I'm currently aabout 150cm tall.
I'm really nervous about Grade 8-It basically decides your entire Career because you have to choose what High School to go to! And you have to do really well in report marks to be accepted!
Did I mention I love Curling?
I hope I get to join a Curling Club this coming curling season.
My favourite Tv show right now is Di-gata Defenders. Actually, I had a lot of favourite TV shows in the past: The Magic Key, Totally Spies, Teen Titans, Kim Possible............
I'm really really really really really really concerned, alarmed, active about GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!! I love to reasearch it. In fact, Al Gore is one of my "heroes" right now because of his motivational speaking in An Inconvenient Truth. In fact, here are all my favourite movies of all time: Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Akeelah and the Bee, March of the Penguins, An Inconvenient Truth, Spy Kids Trilogy, Charlotte`s Web, (Actually, there`s a really funny story about how I saw this movie: My Grandparents and Parents went to see a Chinese Film: Golden Flower or something like that, and it was Monday night. I didn`t want to see that movie because it was rated 14A. So I went to se Charlotte`s Web. When I went into the room, the only person in the theatre was me! After all, who would go see Charlotte`s Web Monday Night?
Well, that`s it for now.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another day of Boring-ness

My dad got me a couple of things at Costco this past Sunday (Or was it Saturday?) A map of the World and a Map of Canada, Painless Algebra, Painless Vocabulary, a new backpack, and a scientific calculator. Curling has really gotten to be a part of me this summer. I'm looking forward to the new season, and that my mom will sign me up to a curling club for lessons. (Yay!)
I'll also get a Ninntendo DS or a Wii for my birthday if I read 5 books each week, and have 30min. excersize every day until my birthday.
Ta-ta for now.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July Update

So far, my summer has been a, boring summer.
I've been back to Woburn Jr.s Fun in the Sun Camp. I'm happyy to see Aryssah. Collen got promoted, and Cody moved to Alberta
My mom signed me up to numerous classes this summer to prepare for the crossroads of destiny: Grade 8. I have to take English (Monday), French, Visual Art (Saturday), and Chinese (Sunday).
What a load of thing to do!
My mom says I have to do this:
This picture can fool a lot of people; it seems that this man is trying to fly like a bird. Actually, it's the opposite. The man is trying to teach the bird how to fly. Here's a quick summary:
An orphan bird was found by people and given to the local zoo. A man working at the zoo decided to take the role and responsibility of taking care of the parent-less, baby bird. After taking care of the bird for three months, the man had developed a father-son relationship with the bird. The next step was to teach the bird how to fly, because he was very alarmed when he saw that the bird had no intentions to fly. After a lot of hard work and dedication, the baby bird can now fly 21 meters in the air. But when it is called back, the bird will immediately come back to its "owner".