Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July Update

So far, my summer has been a, boring summer.
I've been back to Woburn Jr.s Fun in the Sun Camp. I'm happyy to see Aryssah. Collen got promoted, and Cody moved to Alberta
My mom signed me up to numerous classes this summer to prepare for the crossroads of destiny: Grade 8. I have to take English (Monday), French, Visual Art (Saturday), and Chinese (Sunday).
What a load of thing to do!
My mom says I have to do this:
This picture can fool a lot of people; it seems that this man is trying to fly like a bird. Actually, it's the opposite. The man is trying to teach the bird how to fly. Here's a quick summary:
An orphan bird was found by people and given to the local zoo. A man working at the zoo decided to take the role and responsibility of taking care of the parent-less, baby bird. After taking care of the bird for three months, the man had developed a father-son relationship with the bird. The next step was to teach the bird how to fly, because he was very alarmed when he saw that the bird had no intentions to fly. After a lot of hard work and dedication, the baby bird can now fly 21 meters in the air. But when it is called back, the bird will immediately come back to its "owner".

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